World Menopause Day 2023

October 23, 2023
| Georgie Byatt |
Pennine News Staff News

Last week we were pleased to celebrate World Menopause Day, a day aimed at raising awareness and information surrounding the support available.

Here at Pennine, we are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women navigating the menopausal journey. Only last month, we introduced our Menopause Champion, now three, dedicated to aid women through this significant life transition.

Now we are pleased to announce that we have launched both a Menopause Support Policy, and a Self-Identification Guide, designed to empower our colleagues in the workplace and beyond.

This is a proud moment for Pennine because it demonstrates our bottom-line commitment to supporting our people at all stages of Menopause.


In summary, our commitment is 

• To provide our colleagues with a safe, cool, peaceful recovery space to help allow some respite from the effects of menopause.

• To adequately train all line managers so that they are able to support individuals experiencing adverse menopausal symptoms.

• To make the working life as comfortable as reasonably practicable to do so through reasonable adjustments.

• To listen if we are told about perimenopause or menopause symptoms.

• To provide information and advice about menopause throughout our site.

• To stock popular titles of Menopause books and publications for loan to all employees.

• To make Menopause a social event by holding regular forums such as ‘Menopause Cafes’.

• One Menopause Champion for every 75 people in the business.


This all wouldn’t be possible without to the ongoing support and consistency from our Menopause Champions, Laura Walsh, Jo Wootton, and Lisa Burgin.

As an Employee-Owned Trust, our colleagues are central to everything we do, therefore it’s important that we recognise and enforce the importance of their well-being, and this is another step in the right direction.

Keep an eye out for more information surrounding how we are ‘Empowering Colleagues’ in the workplace, but for now, take a look at what underpins us as a business…


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