Work Experience Placement

July 7, 2022
| Daniel Wilson |
Pennine News

This week we have opened our doors to 3 students from Derby Cathedral School – where the students are all undertaking a weeks Work Experience placement, sitting in various departments across the business.

The purpose of the week is for the students to gain experience and knowledge of the different roles within Pennine. We’re happy to play a part in helping the next generation of talent find out more about employment and hope the students are gaining valuable life skills at the same time.

Here is Keisha’s account in her own words…

“Hi, I’m Keisha, I go to Derby Cathedral School and I’m in year 10. I’ve been at Pennine for work experience for a week and I’ve worked with Dan and Beth from the Marketing Department.

I’ve worked with them with filming, editing and also on competitor social media analysis. We made videos of a few members of staff explaining their roles, I found it interesting because I got an in depth understanding of what everyone does and what their part here at Pennine is about.

I have also been on a tour through the clean room. I thought that the tour of the clean room was cool because you can see a lot of the different things that everyone makes. I also saw that a lot of the tubes etc are made by hand and they take time, which I appreciated because it shows that they want their products to come out perfect for their customers.

I found my work experience placement very useful because I noticed that I can be myself and it has given me more of an opportunity to be independent.”


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